
Everyone loves us... Without even knowing =]

Nu am chef de scris prea multe doar ca vreau sa zic: Zilele trecute am avut o discutie cu un prieten din Polonia si m-a intrebat: "Hey mate, no offense but Romania is a really poor country right?" raspunsul meu a fost"Well, it's not that poor man... it's kinda average... not rich but not poor" si apoi, el: "Oh, well... there are a lot of people who are from Romania here in Poland and they are begging on the streets" si dupa am stat un pic pe ganduri l-am intrebat: "Hey mate, are those people white or they are more dark skinned? Not black.. But a little darker than white people" raspunsul lui fiind "Yep". Deci da... se pare ca ne facem o reputatie super in toata Europa :)) si chestia mai misto e ca nici macar nu ne-o facem noi ne-o fac tiga.... Tot insist si zic ca nu sunt rasist :). Well anyway... Unii ne iubesc in mod indirect. Sit and enjoy the show =]

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